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El Equipo



  • Daniel Provencio

  • Diego Campos

  • Mario Camacho

  • Alex Diaz

  • Ruben Santos


  • Sebas Rubio

  • David Portillo


  • Jesús Rodajo

  • Jose Angel Blanco

  • Jorge Carchenilla “Koke”

  • Miguel Macho

  • Jorge Sase


  • Pacheco

  • Alberto Martinez

  • Bilal Bouhiaoui

  • Alex Aragón

  • Manu Fernández

  • Alan Carballar

  • Sergio Rufo


Fundado en 1914 por fusión de los clubes madrileños Cardenal Cisneros y Regional, se afilió a la Federación Castellana en 1915. Participó habitualmente en la primera categoría del Campeonato Regional Centro, clasificatorio para el Campeonato de España, logrando el título regional en 1915 y 1919.

Al inicio del campeonato de liga en España, el Racing de Madrid quedó encuadrado en la Segunda División Grupo "A", la segunda de las tres categorías en las que se dividió a los clubes, quedando la Primera División como categoría superior, y la Segunda División Grupo "B" como tercera categoría.1​ Al acabar la temporada, el Racing, bajo la dirección del ex-seleccionador nacional Paco Bru finalizó como último clasificado en un torneo de diez equipos al haber logrado tan solo seis victorias y un empate, descendiendo asaí a la recién creada Tercera División.

Además, durante su historia el Racing de Madrid disputó varias veces el Campeonato de España de Fútbol (la Copa), siendo eliminado en su primera participación por el Arenas Club de Guecho (en la primera eliminatoria) tras un partido de desempate en la edición de 1919. Diez años más tarde, en la edición de 1929, el Racing de Madrid logra su mejor actuación en el torneo, eliminando en dieciseisavos de final al Iberia SC de Zaragoza y en octavos de final al Valencia, para caer en cuartos de final ante el Real Madrid. Al año siguiente, en la edición de 1930, el Racing de Madrid cayó eliminado en dieciseisavos de final ante el Real Unión de Irún. La edición de 1931 sería la última en la que participaría el Racing antes de su desaparición un año después, cayendo ante el Sevilla en los dieciseisavos de final.

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Nuestros patrocinadores


Steve Nijjar

Mr. Nijjar is a successful business owner with a passion and love for the sport of Soccer (Football), which has driven him to explore and conquer many different aspects of the discipline. With many years of experience on and off the field, Mr. Nijjar continues to inspire and train many aspiring athletes to greatness. Mr. Nijjar’s expertise on the subject stems from a successful career as a professional Soccer player. He had amazing coaches and mentors along the way and was coached by Canada’s own nationally renowned goalkeeper Dick Howard. In 1986, he was invited to England to practice with Chelsea, West Bromwich and had a great stint with both Wolverhampton Wanderers and Queens Park Rangers. The young star then moved on to play for Toronto Blizzard Soccer Club from 1987 to 1989.

Morris Pagniello

Born in Melbourne Australia 1977 Having played in Australia Italy Hungary USA and United Kingdom between 1995/2007 to then start the World renowned Soccer academy named Genova International started in northern Italy in Genova after retiring and then opening world wide academies in Australia Canada America Asia Spain with over 22.000 players affiliated. Then became Fifa agent. In 2018 opened his 1st Football Racing Murcia to then Co-found Racingcitygroup a company that On owns shares in 11 clubs around the globe.

Russell Peters

Russell Peters was recently named as one of Rolling Stone’s 50 Best Comics of All Time. He started doing stand-up at the age of nineteen at open mics in his native Toronto, and spent the next fifteen years honing his craft at clubs across Canada and the UK. In 2004, Peters gained critical and global recognition for his CTV “Comedy Now!” special and soon became the first comedian to sell-out Toronto’s Air Canada Centre in 2007. Peters went on to set attendance records at venues from Madison Square Garden to The Sydney Opera House to London’s O2 Arena – where he broke the UK attendance record for highest number of tickets sold for an individual comedy show.


Conra Galán. Técnico Deportivo Superior en Fútbol.

Ex jugador de fútbol profesional, entrenador con experiencia en 3° RFEF y en Fútbol Femenino en el Madrid C.F.F. . Presidente de la Academia Nacional de Entrenadores de Fútbol de España. Medalla de Oro 2015 y 2016 a la excelencia educativa. Premio 2018 Estrella de Oro a la trayectoria deportiva como formador de entrenadores.

Gianluca. Marketing.

Born in Argentina, Gianluca has always been a passionate football fan and player. With a background in marketing, he has successfully helped startups gain visibility and achieve growth. Driven by his desire to be involved in the football industry, Gianluca completed a Master's in Sports Management. He is now embracing a new challenge: helping Racing Madrid grow and reestablishing the club as a renowned name both in the city and the football world.

José Miguel Benito Notario. General Manager.

He has a Master’s degree in Legal and economy advisory in the IE Business School (Madrid). He played as a footballer for CD Guadalajara in the 1980s in the Spanish Third Division.He is lawyer specialized in Labor Law and Sports Law since 1991. He is experienced in advising different size companies about labor issues.relevant in every sort of individuals and collective bargaining. He is experienced in advising different size sports soccer’s clubs and sports corporations about sport issues relevant in every sort of contracts, conversion of clubs into sports corporations, transactions and purchase and sale of sports clubs.He has participated as a lawyer in operations of several Spanish clubs.